Tips for Promoting Your Awards Program

Here are ten quick tips for promoting your journalism, creative or public relations contest.  Promotion builds excitement and increases participation.  Good luck!

  1. On your website.
    Add a contest or button banner with your entry deadline to your homepage – link it to your entry page.  If you have an awards program page on your site, include your “call for entries” and deadline dates linking to the “make entries” page.  Be sure to also add contest information to any relevant calendars on your site.
  2. On your BetterBNC branded contest page.
    BetterBNC allows you to create a branded contest webpage at no additional charge.  Drive contestants to this page for all of the contest information they need.
  3. On Twitter.
    Twitter is a great way to remind contestants about your contest and deadlines.  Use hashtags and ramp up tweets as the deadline approaches.
  4. On Facebook.
    Post a link to your contest webpage and encourage visitors to share it with their friends.  Add logo or trophy images to build interest.
  5. On LinkedIn.
    Post contest information to your LinkedIn Group or Company page.  Encourage members to promote the contest to their business contacts via LinkedIn.
  6. In your newsletters.
    Always include your contest information in newsletters and bulletins you send to members.  Create a banner or badge for the top of the newsletter with a link to the entry page.
  7. Via email.
    Send an email to your membership or general database and include a “forward to a friend” link.   BetterBNC allows you to email contestants from the current and previous years right from the platform’s administrator dashboard.  Encourage your organization’s leaders to add contest information to their email signature, as well.
  8. Via awards program sponsors.
    If your program has sponsors, provide them with logos and contest information so they can also share it on their site, newsletters, socials, etc.
  9. At organizational events.
    Promote your contest at any organizational events using flyers, postcards, table talkers and banners.  Weave in a mention during any available speaking opportunities.
  10. Promote your contest winners.
    Promote your winners in all channels and include a reminder of your next contest dates to encourage future participation.

BetterBNC’s Top 5

  1. Exceptional Training/Customer Support – Overwhelmingly, this is the top comment we receive from customers.  They tell us they appreciate BetterBNC’s quick response to their technical questions and the fact that there’s no additional charge for training and support.
  2. Marketing Manager – Launched in 2015, contest administrators say they love the convenience of emailing contestants and judges from the dashboard and like that they can also email contestants from the previous year.
  3. Contestant Scrapbooks – Contestants enjoy the ability to save potential entries throughout the year in a BetterBNC scrapbook then simply choose which to enter into a contest when the time is right.
  4. Customized Homepage – Organizations like the ability to create their own branded contest homepage complete with their logos, images, color palette and more.
  5. Judges Drag and Drop – The platform earns high marks from judges who are able to easily view entries and use a visual drag and drop method to select their top contenders.

Want to take a closer look at BetterBNC and learn how it can streamline and make your contest more efficient?  Schedule a complimentary demo today.  Email to get started.