Tag Archives: journalism awards

Will BetterBNC work for our scholastic contest?

BetterBNC is delighted to have a growing list of customers that sanction scholastic journalism and media contests. The platform  works well for these contests — particularly since students expect contest entries, like most everything else they do, to be easy and online.

With such growing interest in BetterBNC, we’re now exploring the idea of creating a platform just for scholastic contests. We invite organizations with student awards programs to contact us with feedback and suggestions. If you’d like to participate, email karen@smalltownpapers.com for details.

BetterBNC’s Top 5

  1. Exceptional Training/Customer Support – Overwhelmingly, this is the top comment we receive from customers.  They tell us they appreciate BetterBNC’s quick response to their technical questions and the fact that there’s no additional charge for training and support.
  2. Marketing Manager – Launched in 2015, contest administrators say they love the convenience of emailing contestants and judges from the dashboard and like that they can also email contestants from the previous year.
  3. Contestant Scrapbooks – Contestants enjoy the ability to save potential entries throughout the year in a BetterBNC scrapbook then simply choose which to enter into a contest when the time is right.
  4. Customized Homepage – Organizations like the ability to create their own branded contest homepage complete with their logos, images, color palette and more.
  5. Judges Drag and Drop – The platform earns high marks from judges who are able to easily view entries and use a visual drag and drop method to select their top contenders.

Want to take a closer look at BetterBNC and learn how it can streamline and make your contest more efficient?  Schedule a complimentary demo today.  Email karen@smalltownpapers.com to get started.

BetterBNC Now Offers Customized Contest Homepages

BetterBNC_graphicMembers of BetterBNC’s Admin Advisor Group got a first look at the new Customizable Homepage feature this morning. It allows contest administrators to quickly and easily build a branded homepage for their media contest. They can select a URL, color palette, add images and graphics, and insert text (simply copy & paste) about their contest. The new feature is part of the BetterBNC contest platform’s newest version, BetterBNC 5.0, and will be available to BetterBNC contests in the next few days. It’s a free and optional feature that takes only a few minutes to set up. There are currently two templates to select from.

The Advisor Group, which reviews and provides feedback on BetterBNC’s new features, said they appreciate the ability to drive contest participants to a branded webpage for information about their awards program and the ease with which they can create the page. Several suggestions from today’s demo are being explored and we hope can be added to the platform in the future.

Want to know more about BetterBNC and how it can help you manage your contest? Contact BetterBNC today for more information or to see a demo of the platform. You can email Karen Tarica at Karen@smalltownpapers.com. BetterBNC is currently being used by nearly 200 media organizations across the US for their print, broadcast, PR and advertising contests.