BetterBNC’s Outstanding Customer Support

At BetterBNC, our mission is to help all of our users enjoy a successful contest experience. A lot goes into that – intuitive design, great features, and robust capability.  But there’s one particular feature that turns out to be one of the strongest components of the BetterBNC®  contest platform – our tech support.

At BetterBNC, Tech Support is not an add-on; it is not an additional charge; and it is not available for just a couple of hours in the day. Our Tech Support team is available to help contest administrators, contestants and judges if and when they need it and all support for the year is included in the base price.

TroubleTicket_redThe team is eager to help contest users with their experience.  It’s easy to contact them – the platform user simply submits a Trouble Ticket which is automatically forwarded to Tech Support. Tech team members monitor user inquiries seven days a week, early until late. Additionally, questions submitted are reviewed by BetterBNC to determine whether platform changes are needed to address the issue for all users.

Contact us if you have any questions or would like to take a look at the platform and consider it for your contest.

BetterBNC & PayPal Integration

BetterBNC offers a powerful integration between its Revenue Manager module and PayPal Advanced accounts. This integration has a number of benefits for contests including the ability for contestants to make credit card entry payments without ever leaving the organization’s contest webpage and the auto-recording of PayPal payments in the contest admin tables and reports.

When you sign up for PayPal Advanced for BetterBNC, you are also introduced to a dedicated senior account manager at PayPal. Your PayPal account manager knows BetterBNC and understands the types of transactions you will be engaging in so setup and integration is fast and easy. PayPal charges $5/month for its Advanced account and that fee can be suspended during times when your contest is inactive. Contests interested in taking advantage of this integration should let us know a week prior to contest launch for setup.

For contests preferring to receive entry fees from contestants by check or via its own payment cart, Revenue Manager can help track these payment types. If you have any questions, just let us know.

What people say about BetterBNC

One of the great benefits of our comprehensive support program is that our customers are comfortable contacting us and sharing details about their experience.  That open line of communication has allowed us to not only strengthen our relationships with customers but also get a real feel for the user experience and how it can be enhanced in the future.

This week we had great feedback from two of our contests – the first is a high school journalism awards program. Its administrator said, “I am still pleased with how logical this system is to administrate. Thanks.”  And from a newspaper association contest admin, “Wyoming is our swap out state this year, and they wanted me to be sure to pass along how much they love using your site!”

We always appreciate customer feedback so continue to share details about your online contest.  And if you are with an organization shopping for an online platform, contact us to schedule a complimentary demo. We’ll show you, not only the features of the platform, but you’ll see what it’s actually like to navigate for the contest administrator, judges and contestants.

BetterBNC is currently being used by nearly 200 organizations across the country. We have contests of all shapes and sizes so contact us today to see if BetterBNC can improve your contest experience.

Create Your Own Branded Contest Homepage

CBAwebpage400With BetterBNC, contest admins can quickly and easily create a branded homepage which has all of your contest information. There’s no additional charge for the customizable web page and it’s easy to set up.

In your General Contest Info. section simply click on “Allow Customizable Homepage”, “Submit” and “Design Settings.” Then you’re ready to start building. Choose from pre-made easy templates or build your own using the web-builder tool or your own HTML.  Load images, logos, adjust colors, add text and hyperlinks. Once your page is built, simply distribute that URL to your contest participants.

It’s an easy way to have all of your contest information in one place and be sure to use the Marketing Manager feature (also included in the base price) to send reminders and other messages to judges and contestants.

Here are some samples of contests that have created their customized homepage:

>TN AP Broadcasters & Media Editors
>NW Excellence in Journalism Contest
>Golden ARC Awards
MNA College Better Newspaper Contest

If you have any questions or would like more information, just let us know by completing a trouble ticket.  If you’re interested in switching your contest to BetterBNC, just email us to schedule a complimentary demo –